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Shoulder Pain

Injuries to the shoulder often manifest as pain in the arm rather than the shoulder itself. The pain can be constant or only occur with movement, and may be intensified by actions such as lifting the arm or moving it in specific ways. The discomfort may also persist at night and interfere with sleep.

What causes this to happen?

  • A tear or strain in the rotator cuff, the group of muscles and tendons

  • When tendons & rotator cuff become compressed or pinched

  • Pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, resulting in limited mobility

Are you showing these signs?

  • Gradual onset of pain with painful movement.

  • Disturbed sleep patterns.

  • Pain sleeping on the same side of shoulder.

  • Difficulty in overhead activities such as combing, dressing, bathing.

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How Physica treats back pain

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

  • Shoulder Pain Relief

  • Rounded Shoulder

  • Shoulder Instability

  • Shoulder Dislocation

  • Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

  • Post Op Shoulder Replacement

Conditions We Treat

Physica can help achieve shoulder movement and range of motion and also perform overhead and basic activities pain free. A combination of light exercises with gradual strengthening and stretching exercises will help you return to normal functioning and prevent injuries.

Treat your pain with Physica

Just 10 minutes a day to start relieving your pain.

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